Our Hearing Blog

Hearing and Speech Month!
Every May is Hearing and Speech month, which provides an opportunity to raise awareness about hearing and speech problems, and to encourage people to think about their own hearing and get their hearing checked. Early identification and intervention for hearing loss is important. Many people live with unidentified hearing loss, often failing to realize that they are missing certain sounds and words. Checking one’s hearing is the first step toward addressing the issue....
How To Protect Your Hearing.
• People often voluntarily expose themselves to loud sounds through their headphones or through the stereo system in concerts, nightclubs, sporting events, and even fitness classes.
• Protect your hearing when shooting a firearm. Those using firearms for recreational purpose would benefit from learning about their safe use, which includes but is not limited to use of hearing protection.
• Is the noise too loud? If you need to shout to make yourself heard, then yes. And you need hearing protection such as earplugs or noise-cancelling earmuffs.
• Do not listen to headphones for a long time. Turn the volume down and take periodic breaks from the noise.
• Noise is now being acknowledged as an important public health issue and a top environmental risk faced by the world today.
• Over 50% of people aged 12–35 years listen to music via personal audio devices at volumes that pose a risk to their hearing.
• A rule of the thumb for staying safe is to keep the volume below 60%.
If you frequently use personal audio devices around loud sounds: instead of turning the volume up, consider using noise cancelling earphones or headphones.Listening through personal audio devices should not exceed 80 dB (adults) or 75 dB (sensitive users: e.g., children) for 40 hours a week.Listeners who regularly use portable audio devices can expose themselves to the same level of sound in 15 minutes of music at 100 dB that an industrial worker would receive in an 8-hour day at 85dB.
What Are the Early Signs of Hearing Loss?
The signs vary with individuals and with different lifestyles, but these are the most common:
• Increased difficulty in understanding speech in noisy backgrounds such as large gatherings and restaurants.
• Following conversation needs more concentration (and possibly lipreading) especially when several people are talking.
• Needing a higher volume setting for television listening but not always making speech clearer.
• When out shopping, not always understanding a shop assistant or at a supermarket checkout.
• Difficulty hearing others clearly when in a car or using public transport.
• People who know you well remark about your hearing not being as good as it used to be.
It’s tempting to dismiss these signs, but you and your family will find life easier if you take a few simple steps. For all the reasons above, your hearing is important to your wellbeing and quality of life. Hearing tests are straightforward, easily arranged and are FREE at Mid-America Hearing Center. The sooner you act, the better will be the outcome, both for you and for those close to you. If you need any help or advice, feel free to reach out to us. Call today to schedule an appointment and hearing FREE hearing test at: (417) 466-7196.
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