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The Benefits of Clean Ears
Many people use various techniques to clean their ears at home, such as cotton swabs, toothpicks, toilet paper, and even their fingers. Unfortunately, these methods are often improper, unsanitary, and, most importantly, unsafe. It is essential to learn how to clean your ears correctly.
It is entirely understandable not to know the proper way to clean your ears, regardless of your age. People learn at different stages, and using cotton swabs, picks, or other objects in the ear canal can lead to severe damage to your inner ear and hearing.
Importance of Cleaning Your Ears
Ideally, our ears would not need cleaning, as the human body is designed to clean itself. However, many people over-clean their ears because of earwax, or cerumen.
Earwax is a natural lubricant and antibacterial substance that acts as a filter for the inner ear, preventing dirt, dust, and other debris from entering too deeply. Cerumen is formed in the outer section of the ear canal, and as you chew and move your jaw, older earwax is pushed toward the outer ear, where it dries and falls out.
People often experience earwax buildup because of unsafe cleaning methods. When cleaning your ears, focus only on the visible areas. If you do not have cerumen impaction, you can safely clean your outer ears once or twice a week to help soften and remove any old wax.
How to Properly Remove Ear Wax
Many individuals take their hearing for granted, not realizing how easily their ears can be damaged. This false sense of confidence can lead to using pointed objects to try to unclog wax buildups. Unfortunately, despite this confidence, the inner ear is fragile, and attempting unsafe cleaning methods can harm your eardrums and potentially cause permanent hearing loss.
The safest and most effective ways to clean your ears include:
- Ear cleaning drops: Available over the counter, these drops often work well. Choose options containing hydrogen peroxide or similar compounds, as they help break up earwax. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions.
- Bulb syringe: If earwax buildup is severe, ear cleaning drops may be ineffective. In this case, you can use a bulb syringe filled with warm water. Gently squeeze the bulb while holding it against the ear opening to flood the ear. This may wash out some of the wax. Avoid this method if you have a hole in your eardrum or have had eardrum surgery.
- Mineral or olive oil: Some people find that using mineral or olive oil before professional cleaning can help with the removal process. Most professionals use mineral oil, so it’s not always necessary to use oils at home.
Common Ear Wax Removal Methods to Avoid
Your ears function like self-cleaning appliances, meaning they do not need frequent cleaning, especially with appropriate earwax removal techniques. Unfortunately, many people choose unsafe practices. If you choose to clean your ears at home, avoid using cotton swabs or earwax removal candles.
Despite their popularity, cotton swabs, or Q-tips, come with a warning label indicating not to insert them into your ears. These swabs tend to push wax deeper into the ear canal, increasing the risk of impaction and blockage. Furthermore, inserting the swab too far can rupture your eardrum or injure your ear canal, leading to infections.
Similarly, earwax removal candles are both ineffective and dangerous, with the most significant risks being burns.
Should You See a hearing Specialist for Ear Cleaning?
Typically, using a damp washcloth on the outer ear is sufficient for maintaining clean and healthy ears. However, if you have been using improper techniques for years or suspect you have a significant earwax buildup, a professional cleaning may be beneficial.
Hearing Specialists use professional medical devices specifically designed for safe and effective ear cleaning. These tools will not damage the nerves, cells, or structures of the ear. If you are uncertain whether a professional cleaning is necessary, consider these common signs:
- Excess earwax
- Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
- Swimmer’s ear
- Itchiness
- Muffled sounds
- Unpleasant-smelling earwax
Your ears are delicate and sensitive. Avoid using improper cleaning techniques. If you need assistance, consider Mid-America Hearing Center for professional ear cleaning. Making an appointment is simple—just call or click today.
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